– free VoIP service for making calls over the internet of Dellmont Sarl. VoIP service lets you to make call from your computer, mobile phone, fixed phone and tablet to mobile and fixed phone numbers around the world. Also, the VoIP service allows free calls between all Dellmont Sarl VoIP labels users.
Additional features – send SMS to mobilenumber, phone-to-phone calls.
VoIP service of has good quality, low calling rates, charged per minute, broad calling ways.
To recharge your account:
Credits transfer made immediately after receiving the payment. If there is no credits received in an hour, please contact us.
Download free for Windows (click here to download)
Download free for Мас (click here to download)
Download free for Mobile:
Double-click the installation file you just downloaded to start installing the on your computer. starts automatically each time you start windows. With the always running, other users will be more likely to find you online. You can change these settings at any time from the program by selecting "options".
The first time you start the, you will be asked to choose a User Name and password. The User Name and password fields are required in order to use the You can choose any name but it must be at least 6 characters in length. If the name is already in use by someone else you will have to try another name.
You can creat new account by registering at website click here
For a call to any online user, simply enter the username in the textbox and click the dial button. For a call to any regular phone, enter the desired number in the textbox and click the dial-button. For all other calls, you will be asked to buy credits first.
Please note that when you call a number (even if it's local) you should always dial 00 + countrycode + areacode + subscribernumber